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About Musical Fun Electronic Piano Keyboard for Kids with Record and Playback
- Fun Colorful Ocean theme design with handle
- 24 Key Electronic Keyboard with Record and Playback features
- Piano and Organ play modes
- Disco and Rock background tempos
- Features 10 songs
Musical Piano Fun!
This electronic keyboard is fun! Start a concert anywhere, anytime! This piano keyboard features a fun and colorful ocean theme design. Star lights up when before a live audience. It has a handle, carry it everywhere! The piano has 24 keys, 14 white and 10 black keys. It has piano and organ play modes. Place some background rhythm with disco and rock tempo modes. Also features record and playback! Includes 10 songs in demo mode. Use okon mode to development each song note by note. Measures 14 x 7. Requires 3 AA Batteries (not included). Ages 3 and Up…. .

Musical Fun Electronic Piano Keyboard for Kids with Record and Playback
Related Search Word and Term :dgx650 digital piano portable grand yamaha, clp430 clavinova traditionals digital pianos yamaha, 54 keys children kids electronic music keyboard piano , Musical Fun Electronic Piano Keyboard for Kids with Record and Playback
Suggestion for Musical Fun Electronic Piano Keyboard for Kids with Record and Playback
- Clic piano touch. Contemporary music experience. The DGX-650 is YamahaĆ¢s newest ensemble digital piano to feature a variety of interactive features that make ....readmore at
- New generation piano sound source provides outstanding playing response and expressive capability (RGE Sound Engine) The keyboard provides true grand piano touch (GH3 ....readmore at
- 54 Keys Children Kids Electronic Music Keyboard Piano Organ Records Playback with Microphone & Adaptor....readmore at
- Get the guaranteed best prices on Music Education for Children at Musician's Friend. Most Music Education for Children eligible for free shipping.....readmore at
- This is a premium multi-function, 61 standard piano-key electronic keyboard. Suitable for beginner to intermediate level musicians, it includes 20 timbre, 20 rhythm ....readmore at
- MC-49 The Medeli MC49 is the first model in line with full size keys for entry level pricing. Kids and s both will appreciate this instrument as a starter keyboard.....readmore at
Musical Fun Electronic Piano Keyboard for Kids with Record and Playback