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About Tibetan Singing Bowl Meditation Red Art Buddhist Decor 5.5 Inch
- Made in Metallic alloy, uknown constituents
- Size: 5.5 Inch diameter; 3.5 Inch high
- Weight: 1000 grams
- Hand-painted for Buddhist décor in red color
- Made in Nepal
These hand-painted singing bowls in brass metal cater to not only your musical sensibilities but also to your home decoration needs. Each bowl comes with a color synchronized cushion and a stick. The stick is without the pad and this makes it simpler for amateurs to play on this singing bowl. This oriental artistic looking singing bowl helps you decorate sacred parts of your home in Buddhist way. And when you are in the mood, just play on this bowl to achieve much needed composure…. .

Tibetan Singing Bowl Meditation Red Art Buddhist Decor 5.5 Inch
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Tibetan Singing Bowl Meditation Red Art Buddhist Decor 5.5 Inch