Custom-made play along mp3 packs or CD: 10 songs of your choice. More than 460 songs available. You choose 10 of them. You can download the playback or we produce . If you expecting all songs to sound like the actual theme tunes then don't buy this cd.I think the makers must presume children stupid and don't notice the . Sing-Along Song Bank CD
About Sing-Along Song Bank CD
- Our song bank CD makes sing-along time simple for adultsand lots of fun for children
- CD features 40 kid-pet songs to get children singing, moving and dancing along
- Music and movement develops motor hegemony, increases language skills and more
- For ages 18 months to 7 years
Now kids can get moving and grooving as they sing along with their pet tunes! Our delightful CD features top-quality recordings of 40 ordinary for children songsfrom plant sales outlet rhymes like Hey, Diddle, Diddle to classroom favorites like Five Small Ducks! And the CD features the same songs as our Sing-Along Song Bank (sold separately), so its fantastic for all-class music lessons or for background music at home or in class…. .

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Suggestion for Sing-Along Song Bank CD
- Listen and sing along to your favourite tunes on the portable Sing Along CD player.....readmore at,default,pd.html
- Find their favourite albums or invite them to try something new. Debenhams offer an extensive catalogue of albums and soundtracks on CD.....readmore at
- About Bandra Info Bandra info is a website which would aggregate all information about bandra under a common domain. We want to build a repository of news and ....readmore at
- Walking Through the Jungle PB w/ Music CD (Sing Along With Fred Penner) [Stella Blackstone, Debbie Harter] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Join a ....readmore at
- We're super excited to kick off the Hullabaloo on the Waterfront concert series on May 31st at 6:00 p.m. Hullabaloo will provide the music, Kid Ventures will provide ....readmore at
- Spent my New Year's Eve entertaining about 40 seniors. Very successful affair with the exception of me drawing a complete blank when my client asked me to play some ....readmore at
Sing-Along Song Bank CD