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About Rockstar Mini Electric Finger Guitar Electronic Musical Toy
- Three fun before a live audience modes.
- Can also record.
- Includes 2 AAA batteries.
- 9.5 inches L.
- WARNING: Choking Hazard small parts. Not for children under 3 yrs.
Finger guitar turns you into a rock legend!
Simply hold your finger on the frets strum the strings to play guitar notes with an entire scale of authentic sounds.
Three fun before a live audience modes: freestyle, demo, or step mode where you learn to play the demo song. You can also record your best rock anthems!
Includes 2 AAA batteries. 9.5L.
WARNING: Choking Hazard small parts. Not for children under 3 yrs…. .

Rockstar Mini Thrilling Finger Guitar Electronic Musical Toy
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Rockstar Mini Electric Finger Guitar Electronic Musical Toy