About Woodstock Percussion ZENERGY Zenergy Chime Solo Percussion Instrument
- This chime emits a powerful tone of singular beauty
- Cherry end ash wood base, 1 silver solid rod, mallet
- Part: 7 Width: 1
- Perfect in a classroom, as a gift or in your daily meditation do
- Over 30 years ago, Grammy award-winning musician and instrument designer Garry Kvistad made the first Woodstock Chime from an aluminum lawn chair he found in a landfill; Garry and his wife Diane founded Woodstock Chimes in 1979 and still develop the chimes today
Tibetan monks use small cymbals called tingsha, which are sounded to mark the commencement and end of a period of meditation. You can use your Zenergy Meditation Chime in much the same way. The two rods are purposely tuned to nearly â"but not quite â"the same pitch. When both are struck at the same time, an acoustical experience known as âbeatingâ is bent. The rods will seem to ring with the same pitch, but you will notice a distinct pulsation or rhythm â" in this case, approximately 12 beats per second. The following listening exercises can help heighten your sensory awareness and focus your concentration at the commencement of a period of meditation: ⢠Strike and dampen each rod separately. Can you tell which one is higher and which … .

Woodstock Percussion ZENERGY Zenergy Chime Solo Percussion Instrument
Suggestion for Woodstock Percussion ZENERGY Zenergy Chime Solo Percussion Instrument
- Woodstock Chimes. Click on a Product Below for More Information. (Showing 112 products.)....readmore at http://www.windchimescorner.co.uk/c177-woodstock-chimes
- Comments about Woodstock Zenergy Chakra Chime: I want to use this during my daily meditation. However, two of the bars not placed very well, too tight maybe and ....readmore at http://www.hayneedle.com/product/woodstockzenergychakrachime.cfm
- Where to find Woodstock Chimes and Woodstock Music Collection products. Where can I buy Woodstock Chimes and/or Woodstock Music Collection products?....readmore at http://www.chimes.com/t-faq.aspx
- Woodstock Chimes and Woodstock Music Collection. In 1979, musician and instrument designer Garry Kvistad founded Woodstock Percussion with a single great idea - to ....readmore at http://www.chimes.com/
- Black Craftsman Wind Chime. Black Craftsman Wind Chime This distinctive chime is tuned to sound like the ringing of distant bells. The⦠....readmore at http://www.mywindchimespot.com/
- Woodstock Water Bowl Chimes $150.00 $135.00 Our Price! uwSBOWL Woodstock Wind Chimes of Pluto (Encore Series) Bronze $26.60 uwDCB27 Woodstock Wind Chimes Temple ....readmore at http://www.musichouseshop.com/store/Chimes.html
Woodstock Percussion ZENERGY Zenergy Chime Solo Percussion Instrument