Looking for a Yamaha electric piano or keyboard? Best Buy has a huge selection of digital music instruments, including pianos & more at BestBuy.com.. 61-key touch response keyboard that features 550 natural sound voices.. Yamaha YPT240 61-Key Portable Keyboard with Ultra Wide Stereo, iPhone, iPad and iPod touch Connectivity
About Yamaha YPT240 61-Key Portable Keyboard with Ultra Wide Stereo, iPhone, iPad and iPod touch Connectivity
- Y.E.S Lesson Functions
- Connection with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch
- Master EQ
- Ultra Wide Stereo
Yamaha YPT240 61 Full-Size Key Keyboard Young and veteran musicians like the sounds of the Yamaha YPT240 Personal Keyboard. Offering the built-in Yamaha Education Suite which enables students to teach themselves piano, the YPT240 keyboard features built-in addition styles that make it possible to sound like full bands! USB TO HOST connectivity makes interfacing with personal computers and Apple iPad/iPhone/iPod touch simple. The YPT240 keyboard can also be used as a MIDI controller for computers and high performance sound sources. The Yamaha YPT240 keyboard offers built-in speakers featuring the Ultra-Wide Stereo DSP pin that makes greater separation and a more spacious sound. 385 voices and 100 Styles are provided f… .

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Suggestion for Yamaha YPT240 61-Key Portable Keyboard with Ultra Wide Stereo, iPhone, iPad and iPod touch Connectivity
- 61-key touch response keyboard that features 550 natural sound voices.....readmore at http://usa.yamaha.com/products/musical-instruments/keyboards/digitalkeyboards/portable_keyboards/psr-e343/
- Not only serves as a creative palette, but inspires you to greater performance heights! 61-key touch response keyboard with 731 natural voices and arpeggio feature.....readmore at http://usa.yamaha.com/products/musical-instruments/keyboards/digitalkeyboards/portable_keyboards/psr-e433/
- Get the guaranteed best price on Portable Keyboards like the Yamaha PSR-E443 61 Keys Portable Keyboard at Musicians Friend. Get a low price and free shipping on ....readmore at http://www.musiciansfriend.com/keyboards-midi/yamaha-psr-e443-61-keys-portable-keyboard
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- The perfect blend of serious - and seriously fun! 61-key touch response keyboard with powerful features including DJ pattern mode, ignable Live Controllers and Aux ....readmore at http://uk.yamaha.com/en/products/musical-instruments/keyboards/digitalkeyboards/portable_keyboards/psr-e443/?mode=model
- The perfect blend of serious - and seriously fun! 61-key touch response keyboard with easy-to-use professional features like AUX IN, DJ pattern mode and ignable ....readmore at http://europe.yamaha.com/en/products/musical-instruments/keyboards/digitalkeyboards/portable_keyboards/psr-e443/?mode=model
Yamaha YPT240 61-Key Portable Keyboard with Ultra Wide Stereo, iPhone, iPad and iPod touch Connectivity